14 results for 'fastpack'
Nate Bender(Page)
Nate Bender AdventureMontana Nate grew up adventuring in the mountains of western Montana, but it wasn't until completing his first ultramarathon in college on a bet that he really fell ...
Krissy Moehl(Page)Krissy Moehl Signature AthleteWashington Through her passion for trail running, Krissy has had the opportunity to travel and experience the world. A forever runner, she first discovered ...
Kyle Richardson(Page)Kyle Richardson AdventureTexas Kyle is a 22 year old recent CU graduate. The mountains are his inspiration for getting outside and connecting with the landscape. He has a background in ...
Jared Campbell(Page)Jared Campbell AdventureUtah Jared is the best athlete many people have never heard of. He’s not on Facebook, but has heli-kayaked in New Zealand, climbed over 50 5.13 routes, bik ...
Trever Townsend(Page)Trever Townsend OCRColorado Trever is an obstacle course racer who competes in long course Spartan and Tough Mudder events. This year he will be focusing on the Spartan Mountain Series, ...
Adam Campbell(Page)Adam Campbell AdventureCanada Adam Campbell likes to “suffer in beautiful places” and loves exploring his backyard and challenging himself on foot, skis and on rock. He was ...
Trash Free Trails(Page)window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_V2_ELEMENTS = window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_V2_ELEMENTS || new Array( ...